What to know about Fellowship in NABH Accreditation Process Implementation - Pune

Monday, 9 January, 2023

Item details

City: Pune, Maharashtra
Offer type: Offer


Contact name BharatiVidyapeeth
Phone 02024407100

Item description

The national accreditation board for healthcare providers and hospitals is a constituent board of the council INDIA, set up to operate and establish accreditation programs for healthcare organizations. NABH provides a Fellowship in NABH Accreditation Process Implementation to the students to ensure that the standards are integrated and implemented with the hospital's functioning. NABH from BV University offers small health care, transfusion services, blood banks, and hospital accreditation programs. A couple more programs are being developed, such as AYUSH Hospitals, Dental Hospitals/Centres, and Medical Imaging services. NABH accreditation is not a one-time phenomenon. Once the organization gets accredited, accreditation shall be valid for a defined period. NABH conducts regular surveillance of the accredited organization.