Hernia Specialist Doctor In Moshi Pune - Pune

Monday, 8 August 2022
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City: Pune, Maharashtra
Offer type: Offer


Contact name Dr. Nikhil Jillawar
Phone 9028848734

Item description

A hernia is a condition in which a part of an organ pushes through a weak section of the muscle that should keep it in place. It can impact both children and adults. Hernias are classified into many categories based on where they occur in the body:

Umbilical Hernia: An umbilical hernia is a swelling in the abdominal muscle at the belly button.

Inguinal Hernia: Inguinal hernia occurs when intestines or fatty tissue is pushed through a weak area in the lower abdomen where the upper leg joins the abdomen.

Hiatal Hernia: Hiatal hernias occur whenever the top of the stomach swells through a diaphragm gap.

Not all hernias require treatment, particularly in newborns and toddlers whose umbilical hernia can resolve on its own. However, surgery might be necessary in many situations to fix the weakening spots. Your specialist might suggest you get a surgical hernia repaired:
1. If the hernia causes severe pain.
2. If the hernia has become strangulated. It indicates that the tissue has been stuck or distorted and might receive insufficient blood. A strangulated hernia is quite harmful.
3. To avoid the hernia becoming painful or strangulated.
If your hernia doesn’t really require immediate surgery, your specialist might advise you to:
1. Wear a truss, which is a unique device that holds tissues in place.
Hernia Surgery
Hernia repair surgery is widespread and typically highly successful. There are two variants of this surgery:

Laparoscopic surgery: The surgeon conducts laparoscopic surgery by making two or three extremely small incisions (cuts) near the hernia and reaching it with long, thin instruments. On a screen, a laparoscope (a small camera) displays the hernia. Contact our office today to get the best suggestions from an expert laparoscopic surgeon In Moshi.

Open surgery: The surgeon performs open surgery by making a larger incision over the hernia and opening the skin. Get expert advice from a hernia specialist doctor in Moshi, Pune.

What Are the Potential Risks and/or Adverse Reactions ?
Hernia surgery risks and complications are uncommon; however, they can include:
1. Vein, nerve, or bladder damage
2. Another surgical procedure might be required
3. Blockage in the digestive system
4. Infection, excessive bleeding, and blood clots might occur at the surgical site
5. Anesthesia reactions such as allergy, nausea, vomiting, sore throat, and headache
What are the Advantages?
The following are the advantages of hernia repair surgery:
1. Pain from the hernia is eliminated or reduced.
2. Strangulation can be avoided or repaired.
How is it Carried Out or Administered?
Typically, surgery can last around an hour. During that period, the following events will occur:

Anesthesia: You will be given anesthetic drugs to make you unconscious. This might be general anesthesia, which puts you to sleep and disables you from feeling or remembering anything about the procedure. You might also receive a regional or local anesthetic. The type of anesthetic you get is typically determined by the kind of procedure you are receiving.
Repairs: To reach the hernia, the surgeon makes one or more incisions. Most of the time, the tissue can be moved back into place. The surgeon will next fix the weakened muscle layer. To strengthen the weak spot, a piece of mesh material is sewn over it.
Closing the incisions: Your incisions will be closed with stitches or staples by the surgeon. It will be removed after your wounds have healed.
What Are the Requirements for A Follow-Up ?
Your recovery will be monitored. You will be sent to a recovery area and monitored while the anesthetic wears off. Many doctors advise patients to get up and walk around on the day following surgery. The majority of patients are discharged the same day after surgery. You will be allowed to return home as soon as your surgeon deems it is safe for you to do so.

Your specialist will prescribe pain medication for you. Make certain that you take the medication exactly as instructed. Managing your pain effectively will assist in your recovery. Get up and move around normally, but take care not to bump your surgery area. Heavy lifting should be avoided. Maintain the cleanliness of your skin. You can shower but not bathe for at least five days. Return to work only if your doctor says so. The time it takes you to return to work depends on your condition and the kind of work you undertake. Discuss your job with your specialist. A full recovery could take 2 to 4 weeks. Dr. Nikhil Jillawar is the Best Laparoscopic Hernia Specialist Doctor In Moshi, Pune.